Archive for the 'Happy Tails ' Category

Fluffy Kitten
Adoption story: Take 1 fluffy 12 week old kitten Add 1 terrific family Put them together and what do you have? Happiness

Pupsi, adopted one week ago, cuddling with his new canine brother. Pictures like this keep us going and remind us that the hard work, money and worry are worth it. Sad stories can end happily if good people work together. #thisisrealrescue

Katie, our slightly “difficult ” but very sweet Rat Terrier mix, in my car on her way to her new home in Collingswood, NJ. The young woman who is adopting her is very dog savvy and Katie likes her and...

Captain, a senior, heartworm positive German Shepherd, left our facility today to go to his wonderful new home. Thanks to Karina Rosito and her hard work on behalf of this dog, he is alive, he will be treated for his...