Archive for the 'Happy Tails ' Category

We are thrilled to announce that “Dawn” (used to be Mama) was adopted yesterday. She is now the inseparable companion to a 13 year old girl. Congratulations! Another happy ending, thanks to the kind woman who rescued Mama and her...

Boris, with us for a year, is starting 2017 in a brand new home. Boris is another one of our cats that, despite his handsome looks and awesome personality, was getting overlooked because he’s no longer a kitten. We just...

Little Snowy
Little Snowy, abandoned and suffering from a bad intestinal virus, is now happy, healthy, and best of all, HOME! Snowy’s big day was today, and we’re all thrilled😀 #thisisrealrescue

Say hello to Imhotep in his brand new home with a very kind mom and dad. Happy Tails! #thisisrealrescue