Rescue Right is a Dog & Cat Rescue
Adoption & Sanctuary facility
located in Bedford NY.
This is Betsy. She was a senior dog left abandoned in a Bedford park with no food, no water and no ID. She weighed a mere 5 pounds and had a mouth full of rotted teeth. Animal Control brought her to Penny at Rescue Right/Northwind Kennels. They saved her life and she found her forever home with my family. She was my mom’s constant companion and we all loved her. We lost my mom in 2019 and then lost Betsy to old age on 9/11/20 but she died in my arms, not starved to death on the street somewhere.
Penny and Rescue Right did that – they saved a life. They save over 500 lives a year! Multiply that by the 13 years Rescue Right has existed and you get 6500! 6500 lives have been saved because of Penelope Smith and Rescue Right!
This business provides a critical service to Bedford and the outlying communities like mine in New Canaan. You need to be helping them, not destroying them! It’s said that “The measure of a civilization is how it treats its weakest members”. You have a choice in front of you what will determine how you and the Town of Bedford will be known now and in the future. Is $80k worth more than the 6500 lives Rescue Right has saved?
Lana Buccieri
Rescue Right / Community Cats is a 501(c) (3) non-profit corporation dedicated to all aspects of animal rescue in New York’s northern Westchester County.
Please Donate!
We rely entirely on donations to continue our work and provide outstanding care to the animals we serve. If you’d like to donate, click on the link below to make a tax-deductible donation through Pay-Pal:
You can donate with a credit card through Pay-Pal
Hello friends! Our amazing work for animals is expensive. Vet bills alone are over $40,000 per year, to say nothing of food, caregivers and supplies for our wonderful cats and dogs. We have no time for fundraising galas and no wealthy board members to steer money towards our work. All we have is you. Please help us continue to save the lives of local pets, pets with no place to go and no hope for the future, by making a donation today. Rest assured that 100%of your donation goes directly toward food and veterinary care for the animals you see on our Facebook page and website. Thank you, and happy holidays from all of us! We have a paypal account set up for you to help support our quest to Rescue, Place , and take care of the many animals
We specialize in trap, neuter and return of feral cats, kitten and adult cat rescue and adoption and home-to-home placement of family pets.
As northern Westchester’s only cat rescue organization, we find homes for hundreds of kittens, adult cats & dogs each year.
Donate a Kuranda bed
Rescue Right Graduates
From Egypt with Love: A Dozen Dogs & Puppies Rescued from Grim Life Ready for Adoption
On Monday, July 25th, staff and volunteers alike at the Northwind Kennel stayed at work until midnight aiding in the arrival of 10 dogs from Egypt. It was a huge effort on everyone’s part but according to kennel owner, Penny Smith-Berk, completely worth it. Now these dogs have come to Bedford, New York, and are looking for loving homes and a second chance on life. Read More!
Rescue Right isn’t sitting behind computer screens ordering up litters of puppies and kittens.
We personally save our own animals, pets whose only crime is having nowhere to go and no one to help them.
In that mix are babies, young adults and seniors.
In that mix are pets whose owners just need a safe, temporary place for their best friend.
In that mix are people who desperately need pet food or vet care for their animals.
We do it all, the bitter and the sweet, every single day.
All we ask is your help.
Our ethics are impeccable, our mission is important and there’s no way we can do this without you.
Here is a link to the Pet Finders Page with the current Cats and Dogs that are available. Take a look!
Click Here!
Please note: this is a cute composite.
These animals may have been adopted
Contact Us!
Rescue Right saves dozens of cats from a hoarder 
Hello Everyone, I am Penny from Rescue Right/ Community Cats and Northwind Kennels in Bedford NY, below are a couple of articles regarding the situation that was handed to us recently acquiring al of these cats from Kent. The aide and care of these cats is very costly to us, averaging around $500 per cat. We survive solely on the graces of the kind people who donate. Read More
Everything You Should Know Before You Bring a Dog Home for the First Time